Monday, October 22, 2007

Hits Compilation Spice Girls will sell, along with women's underwear

Recently vossoedinivshayasya group Spice Girls will issue a compilation of its best songs, which will include two new songs, tells the Associated Press.

A Compendium Sales November 13, 2007, but initially will be available only in the American network of women's clothes stores Victoria's Secret. Capitol Music Group, a music label Spice Girls, has promised that from January 15, 2008 drive can be purchased everywhere.

Plate Spice Girls: Greatest Hits will include 13 songs, including new songs and Voodoo Headlines (Friendship Never Ends). The last group also plans to release in the form of single.

Plate Forever, the third and final date for a full-fledged studio work Spice Girls, was released in November 2000.