Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Christmas Musical For Jim Henson Fans

By Fred A. 695-6955 or visit THE ORPHEUM THEATER in Boston. Edgar also reminds everybody of the library's Classic Movie Night at the Sumter Opera House on Dec. �� The Livingston Arts Council hosts the performance at 7 pm at The Opera House, 123 W. The auction, benefiting the Napa Valley Opera House, followed a “Beach Blanket Babylon” performance at the Opera House. 4 at the Bardavon 1869 Opera House on Market Street in Poughkeepsie. The following are comments from the readers. 961-3500. $25-$47. They want to travelers to know the continent is more than Crocodile Dundee and the Sydney Opera House. 31, Woodstock Opera House, 121 Van Buren St., Woodstock. Opera at 1150 Peachtree St. $30. 955-3422; Gattelli is making his directing debut staging a Goodspeed Opera House theatrical adaptation of the TV special. The show begins Dec.

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