Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday's Talk Shows

down favorite album of all time. 1 pm KTTV 62218 Oprah Winfrey At his home in Telluride, Colo., actor Tom Cruise discusses his family and future. (Part 1 of 2) 3 pm KABC 28251 Dr. Today’s competition is your best Tom Cruise impersonation which Cash Warren says Tom will judge the winner of. Set your DVRs for the Today show on Monday, as Tom Cruise will sit down, once again, for a chat with Matt Lauer. WE'RE NOT BEING CYNICAL HERE: Tom Cruise knew it was love at first sight when he met Toledo's Katie Holmes. ass, rap-loving studio exec. Tom Cruise is offering advice. A lump of coal and more divorce paperwork from Nicloe Kidman to Tom Cruise for the worst German accent in any movieever. Bon Iver performs. (N) 11:35 pm KCBS 24984625 The Tonight Show With Jay Leno Tom Cruise; Frank Caliendo; the Cure performs. (N) 11:35 pm KNBC 36689053.

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