high labor costs for union workers employed by the Big Three. By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS Of course Detroit will be bailed out. is now being asked to extend help to the Big Three automakers before they slide into bankruptcy. This is particularly true of the big three automakers, Ford, GM and Chrysler. BY ADAM RONIS That didn't take long. �� What started as a joke has become a befitting nickname for the Naples High backfield. Jennifer M. Granholm of Michigan wrote in a CNN.com plea for a bailout of Detroit’s Big Three. duck session, and one thing on the agenda is what to do about the auto industry. Ruben Amaro needs to obsess over assembling a Big Three like Captain Ahab obsessed over harpooning Moby Dick. RUSH: This is Mary Ellen in Endicott, New York. Nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello. By Liz Peek There is only one reason to bail out the big three auto makers: fear. The question on many minds is what will happen to jobs in Michigan with the Big Three struggling. As lawmakers debate bailing out the Big Three, many are wondering what all of this means for jobs. It should come as no surprise that all kinds of businesses and industries are trying to get a piece of the $3 trillion bailout mess. The putative bailout of Detroit's "Big Three" automakers is quite different from TARP, as it will only postpone the inevitable. To their credit, the Big Three and UAW had been improving in recent years.
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