Thursday, February 5, 2009

Economic recovery costs...Maximum wage...Canceled trip... | KXNet ...

enhancing drugs on Selig's watch. AP SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Hundreds of pages of documents in the Barry Bonds case were unsealed today. Remember, though, that only Barry Bonds took any sort of PEDs. Certainly not Bell or Gonzalez. The next act is a duet performed by Roger Clemens and Barry Bonds. Saying Edwards enjoys speed is like saying Barry Bonds enjoys antagonism. It goes beyond pleasure, beyond need even. �� the Barry Bonds of his sport without illegality or perjury before a grand jury. So, why did Barry Bonds' urine test come up negative the first time, but positive the second? Simple. "Even if Barry Bonds wants to sit down for an hour, I'm there. If I'm reading this right, Federal prosecutors are going to release a Barry Bonds urine sample today. In other words, comparing Raye to the other current OCs is like comparing Barry Bonds to Babe Ruth: you have to consider the era. Speaking of bad actors, evidence against home run king Barry Bonds is expected to be unsealed today. Right now Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens have been caught “cheating”. And yet, more grey. Meanwhile, The New York Times reports that a 2003 urine sample from Barry Bonds has tested positive for PEDs. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A published report says the government's case against Barry Bonds includes several positive drug test results.

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