Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Top National News Right Now

In an earlier hearing on Wednesday, Harry Markopolos, the money manager who had tried to warn regulators about Bernard L. Harry Markopolos called the Securities and Exchange Commission incompetent and beholden to big financial firms. Harry Markopolos told legislators that his investigation into Mr Madoff had identified 14 feeder funds, only two of which have been made public so far. Harry Markopolos also assailed the Securities and Exchange Commission in his first appearance before lawmakers. Recent activities, certainly by Markopolos, has addressed the wholesale incompetency of the SEC from the ground up. dawf) scandal despite his warnings. [NYP] • The House will hear testimony about Bernie Madoff today from Harry Markopolos, the investigator who tried to blow the whistle on him. [NYT] dawf) will be on Capitol Hill this morning. Harry Markopolos is assailing the Securities and Exchange Commission for ignoring his warnings. But Harry Markopolos says the Securities and Exchange Commission ignored his warnings about Madoff for years.

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